Marriage and Family: Your most important human relationships

Are you tired of muddling through marriage or having chronic family conflict? In marital and family counseling, we provide a place where we can understand how your marriage or family is presently functioning and look at its strengths and weaknesses. We will then provide you with practical tools and skills to help you change and strengthen your most important human relationships.

Areas addressed may include:

  • Identifying your relationship patterns of communication and handling conflict
  • Understanding how family member scripts and roles affect family dynamics
  • Improving teamwork and cooperation with your spouse and children
  • Implementing better communication skills
  • Learning five ways to increase the amount of love you give to, and receive from, family members
  • Increasing the chances of getting what you each need while minimizing conflict and tension
  • Developing and maintaining healthy family values in a fallen world

Marriage is designed and intended by God to be a relationship of security, trust, teamwork, and intimacy within which procreation and raising of children occur. Strong marriages and families are the foundation of a strong, healthy society. Each marriage is different in terms of what the needs are. We may do a marital inventory to assess areas to address including the following:

  • How to support your partner’s growth, be it emotionally, relationally, or spiritually
  • Improving both kinds of intimacy as we look at gender differences in expressing emotional and physical sexual intimacy
  • Providing a safe place to discuss sexual issues, be they current struggles or historical events such as abuse, affairs or unresolved relationships
  • How to resolve baggage, addictions and other spoilers of a healthy marriage

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